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Bearing Beside Doula Services LLC

About Bethany

Owner of Bearing Beside Doula Services 

Bethany will provide you with the support you need to understand and decide which doula services are best for your pregnancy, postpartum recovery, and newborn.


• Labor Doula, MaternityWise Institute 

• Postpartum Doula
 First Aid/CPR/AED Instructor, American Red Cross

A journey towards community and wholeness!

Shortly after turning 29, I read “Mothers, Daughters, and Body Image” by Dr. Hillary McBride. It was confirmed that I was not alone in the struggle to love my body. It was heartbreaking to learn how many women have negative feelings towards their own bodies, and knowing that I also work through negative views of my own body. Part of my journey in [re]connecting with my body is learning about her. For several years, I have been frustrated that dominant culture has taken away our connections to ourselves through not only not teaching us about our bodies, but making that knowledge seem wrong and promiscuous. I wish I could get the years back when I was not happy with my body and could replace those with celebrating how she was bringing me to where I am today.

At 30, I became pregnant and gave birth to my daughter. I was very grateful that prior to my pregnancy I was already working to develop a more positive relationship with my body. This curiosity helped me appreciate and be in awe of the changes my body went through during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum healing. After giving birth, I’ve been so excited and impressed with what my body has been capable of.

Although I am on this positive journey, the lack of information has placed a heavy burden on me, seeking out information and advocating for myself. Finding a birth class that I could take was difficult because I had a pandemic baby. Birthing is supposed to be done in the community, and my pregnancy, birth, and postpartum period were done in isolation. The lack of information, a system that fails to provide women with adequate healthcare, and the isolation has added challenges to my journey. I am glad that overall, my birth experience was positive, but I dream of an even better experience where I’m educated, informed, supported, empowered, and not alone (besides my partner). 


My bonus daughter is Liberian African American and my second daughter is Liberian American. I can’t ignore the fact and reality that systemic racism results in higher deaths, lifelong consequences, and higher usage of medical interventions for BIPOC. My daughters deserve care that is positive and ensures the best experiences and outcomes. 

I am passionate about every person now and for future generations having the care they deserve.

My entire life I have had an energy running through me that desired equity and goodness for all people. I was passionate and wanted to help when someone was in need. When I heard of something unjust, I would demand that something must be done. Through the years, I’ve learned how to be more constructive with this fiery energy. One of the most impactful things is the importance of continuing to learn and maintain an attitude of learning, especially from people who’ve had different experiences than me. I am working to apply just and equitable practices in my personal life. 


My own experience and knowing what my daughters may encounter, in addition to my lifelong passion for equity and justice, has motivated me to pursue doula birth work and create Bearing Beside Doula Services LLC.


All birthing people, parents, families, and caregivers need and deserve support from the time of planning a baby, to getting pregnant or preparing for adoption or surrogacy to establishing the new precious relationship with their baby(ies). Bearing Beside Doula Services LLC believes there are benefits in both traditional and modern information, practices, and care. Bearing Beside Doula Services LLC will work with you by providing knowledge, training, and support.


Bearing Beside Doula Services LLC is committed to equity and access for all people. It stands strongly by its core belief that we all need compassionate care and support to thrive, and is committed to supporting all people with respect and dignity. Bearing Beside Doula Services LLC maintains transparency, open communication, and accountability measures and partnerships.

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